Why America’s Wine?

American Flag Wine Bottles

The American Dream…Wine Zinfandel has charted a course all its own, from meager beginnings to America’s darling. Approachable and unpretentious, Zinfandel’s personality reflects where it’s grown, the winemaker’s style, and the moment…bold and celebratory, independent and familiar, versatile and individual. All other significant wine varieties have their reference points in Europe (think Pinot Noir in […]

The Many Styles of Zinfandel

Zinfandel Advocates & Producers

So Many Choices Zinfandel is one grape, but not one wine. It is a red grape whose juice is clear. The winemaker decides how long to let the juice remain in contact with the stems, seeds, and skins, which causes clear juice to assume the red color. Layer on the ripeness of the grape, a […]

Growing Differences

In the Vineyard In 19th century America, land was abundant and while phylloxera was destroying other European varietals, Zinfandel was surviving. This gave Zinfandel growers a rare opportunity to try planting in numerous and varied sites, ultimately identifying the sites and regions where the Zinfandel grape would flourish. Essentially Zinfandel is unique in vinifera varieties […]

Our ZAP’er Glossary

It Tastes Like…What? Getting vocabulary homework as a student often is akin to corporal punishment. But getting vocabulary homework as a wine-loving adult is like sitting by the fire with a warm fuzzy blanket. Because like any industry, we have our own lingo. And you want to be familiar with some of the words the […]

Tasting Etiquette 101

A few tips to make your wine tasting experience enjoyable for yourself, as well as others tasting around you: ZAP events, as well as tasting rooms and winery events, are non-smoking and fragrance-free. Perfumes, smoke and other scents can interfere with your ability to distinguish aromas and flavors of the wine. Be courteous to others […]

Zinfandel Brochure

Are you an information hound or just looking for a recent story about this year’s harvest to add to your cocktail chatter? Either way, we have it all…search by topic, date, or publication.

Tasting Tips

Wine Tasting is Meant to be Shared Our producers are as individualistic as the wine itself, and just as approachable, so we encourage you to experiment with their many styles of wine at tastings, from intimate to grand. Without much hassle, you can traverse multiple regions of California and try a new winery off the […]

Resource Guide to Zinfandel

Donec aliquam vehicula arcu, sed laoreet risus iaculis at. Phasellus est odio, blandit ac fermentum at, tempus quis est. Fusce quis dictum nisi. Vivamus placerat mauris lobortis scelerisque suscipit. Donec mattis erat leo. Morbi aliquet elementum ligula, sit amet vestibulum nulla dictum non. Integer aliquam non ex ut porta. Etiam et orci condimentum, convallis est […]

Zinfandel Aroma Wheel

The benefits of describing wines in specific terms, such as these on the Zinfandel Aroma Wheel, are your greater enjoyment and appreciation of the wonderful world of wines, plus an enhanced ability to discriminate and remember wine flavors. Describing Zinfandel aromas is very simple with the help of this lexicon. Words are arranged in three […]


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