Legendary Video Series – Zin Star

Lodi Wine recently launched “Save the Old” to help farmers who care about their old vines. They state: “Old vines produce some of the very best wine. And, nowhere is there more historic vines than in Lodi. That is, until someone decides to pull them up. Or someone decides to save them.” They go on […]
ZAP Celebrated National Zinfandel Day in Lodi with New Zinfandel Stories Video!

Lodi was the place to be in November on National Zinfandel Day! ZAP and Lodi Wines co-sponsored a technical workshop at the gorgeous grounds of Oak Farm Vineyards for Zinfandel growers and winemakers. Along the way, Lodi Zinfandels were presented by two panels (one grower and one winemaker) and ZAP’s Lodi regional video was released! […]