Epoch Estate Wines

Bill and Liz Armstrong have accomplished something truly remarkable: resurrecting not just one but TWO of the Central Coast’s most historic properties. And perhaps just as remarkable, the preservationist-minded duo included the old California favorite – Zinfandel – in their winemaking plans! But hey, that’s the way Ignacy Paderewski would have wanted it. The world-renowned […]
Saini Vineyards

Testa Vineyards

Tres Sabores

When you enter the driveway to Tres Sabores you will have passed through a portal into a very special place. In Napa Valley, there is nothing quite like it. Not just a winery, Tres Sabores is the certified organic working vineyard, farm, gardens, orchards – and home of founder and proprietor/winemaker, Julie Johnson. Upon arrival, […]
Talty Vineyards & Winery

Looking for a one-man Zinfandel show? Michael Talty lives and breathes Zinfandel. Talty is known as a veritable one-man Zin-growing and Zin making operation in Dry Creek Valley that has been cranking out winner after winner since 2003. And what better guy to trust when you are winding your way through Dry Creek Valley, maybe […]
Turley Wine Cellars – Paso Robles

Premier Winery Experience participant Paso Robles A wine weekend on the Central Coast has to include a visit to the zenith of Zin, Turley Wine Cellars in Templeton at the old Pesenti vineyards on – where else – Vineyard Drive. Larry Turley, a physician by trade, founded Turley Wine Cellars in 1993 in Napa Valley […]
V. Sattui Winery

Hard to judge which historical wine story is more impressive: Original V. Sattui or modern V. Sattui. The original V. Sattui Winery was founded in San Francisco 1885 by newly-arrived immigrants from Italy, Vittorio and Katerina Sattui. Modern era V. Sattui (V. Sattui 2.0) was founded by Vittorio and Katerina’s great grandson, Dario Sattui, in […]
Storrs Winery & Vineyards

What happens when you put two U.C. Davis wine grads and veteran winemakers together on prime land in the Santa Cruz Mountains near the Pacific coast? Storrs Winery and Vineyards is what happens! The two Burgundian-trained winemakers who have spent their careers building their own estate winery not only make exemplary Pinot noir and Chardonnay […]
Vino Noceto

It’s not quite all about beautiful Sangiovese vineyards and wines at Vino Noceto. There is an extremely rare and classic Zinfandel to be found among the Tuscan-inspired beauties at this specialized winery estate in Amador County’s Shenandoah Valley. Jim and Suzy Gullet invested in rural country property for their dream home and vineyard in the […]
Zialena Winery